Deals and Discounts
Members of the Selkirk College Students' Union have access to a number of exclusive discounts in the Kootenays. See a list of the SCSU exclusive discounts here. Present your student ID at the following locations to receive the described discount.
The Bombi Restaurant
100-1983 Columbia Ave.
15% off. Not valid with other special offers.
#114-1983 Columbia Ave.
10% off any regular priced menu item, excluding alcohol. Dine in only. For student, with card, meal only.
1004 Columbia Ave.
10% off regular priced pizza. Except July and Aug.
1602 Aaron Rd.
25% off regular 18 hole green fees. Student Season pass-$485+ GST
100 Hall Rd.
10% off on food only restaurant menu items with student ID. For student only. Must be 19+ with valid government ID to enter.
1919 Columbia Ave.
10% off. Some exceptions may apply.
604-18th St.
15% off reg. priced items only. Cakes and novelties not included. Some exceptions may apply. For student only.
Great Canadian Oil Change
2311 Columbia Ave.
10% off. Some exceptions may apply. Student’s vehicle only. (Proof may be required) Must provide valid student ID.
Head 2 Toe Holistic Health Clinic
1237 3rd St.
$17.50 off first chiropractic treatment. $15.00 off subsequent chiropractic treatments. Direct billing with GSC.
Ignite Chiropractic and Wellness
1101 4th Street Unit B
$15.00 off new patient exam/treatment. $10.00 off all following treatments for chiropractic care.
465 Columbia Ave.
10% off supplies. 5% off ink. $.01 off photocopies.
2181 Columbia Ave.
20% off Level 1 pricing
660 18th St.
10% off reg. priced clothing, footwear and backpacks.
1991 Columbia Ave
10% off students order only.
Panago Pizza - Castlegar
102-1990 Columbia Ave.
10% off Monday-Wednesday *Pick ups only* For students only.
Pharmasave Castlegar
1128 3rd St.
10% off. Some exceptions may apply.
Roots Modern Health Food
#9-1502 Columbia Ave.
10% off. Student only. Some exceptions may apply.
Selkirk Eye Care
1975 B 6th Ave.
15% off glasses or contact lenses with a valid student ID.
Sunner Barber Shop Ltd.
1335-C Columbia Ave.
10% off will be applied to all services. For student only. Some exceptions may apply.
Online - Castlegar
$15.00 off subsequent 50 and 75 min counselling sessions for post-secondary students with proof of current student ID. Book and complete the first session at the regular price and receive $15.00 off each following session.
Tailout Brewing Ltd.
1810-8th Ave. Unit A
10% off all items purchased in the taproom for student only when ID presented at time of sale. Must be 19+ to purchase alcohol.
Valhalla Physiotherapy
#9-650 18th St.
20% off all physiotherapy services.
356 Baker Street
10% off regular priced merchandise.
702 Baker Street
10% off summer/winter clothing, bike/ski accessories. Some exceptions may apply.
471 Baker Street
10% off your purchase.
395 Baker Street
10% off regular price items or special orders.
323 Vernon St.
20% off Level 1 pricing.
532 Baker Street
10% off reg. priced clothing, footwear and backpacks.
604 Ward Street
10% off at café location. For student only.
398 Baker Street
5% off with valid student ID.
468 Baker St.
10% off system cleaning and tune.
3-502 Baker Street
10% off
543 Baker St.
15% off glasses or contact lenses with valid student ID.
101-466 Josephine Street
10% off treatment.
Tandoori Indian Grill & Lounge
409 Kootenay St.
10% discount. Some exceptions may apply.
Valhalla Pure Outfitters
624 Baker Street
10% selected items. Some exceptions may apply.
#107 518 Lake Street
25% off tax preparation.
1425 Bay Ave.
10% off
815 Victoria St.
10% off your purchase.
1330 Cedar Ave.
10% off
Kootenay Kabob Mediterranean Cuisine
945 Eldorado St.
$2.00 of any food item listed at $8.00 or over. For student only.
799 Victoria St.
10% off students order only.
Pharmasave - Trail
1280 Cedar Ave.
10% off *Some exceptions may apply*
1479 Bay Ave.
Free sim activation. Free charging chord and charging block with new phone activation. 30% off phone accessories. Free gift for new and existing customers upon referral of new customer for purchases $20.00 and over. $25-$65 credit with sign up of Telus internet/Home TV after 90 days. Exclusive offer at Rock Island Tape Centre-in store only.
1180 Bay Ave.
10% off purchases for student only.
8200 BC Hwy 3B (Waneta).
10% off purchases for student only.
1369 Cedar Ave.
Free beverage of any kind with purchase of lunch.
1370 McQuarrie St.
10% off glasses. Must present valid student ID when ordering glasses.
2060 Columbia Ave.
10% off Excluding prescriptions, lottery tickets and gift cards. Some exceptions may apply.
400 White Tail Dr.
25% off green fees for 18 holes and 9 holes.
1997 Columbia Ave.
10% off purchases.
Babes Automotive
2857 Sentinel Rd.
15% off parts and labour. Discount applies to repairs and maintenance.
Deals App
As a member of the British Columbia Federation of Students you can access many student discounts throughout BC. The Deals App allows members access to discounts across BC. Download the Deals App and register today.